Jochen Schambeck – round thing

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Am Sa. 28.09.2024 von 16-19 Uhr



Artist-In-Residence Program


In a moment in which the artwork is progressively defined through its becoming rather than its final state, artist-in-residence programs have turned into temples of artistic becoming and cultural exchange. With it`s own residency program Gallery Artpark opens up a unique opportunity for artists working in all disciplines to advance their work in an immersive studio environment, accomplished by a solo exhibition in the gallery.

Our Residency Program is founded with the intention to create a connective space for artists from all disciplines to work in collaboration, expanding their practice in terms of materials, formats and style. It is ideal for those seeking the time to investigate new ideas and deepen existing inquiries into the conception, production and reception of works, providing concentrated time to develop a project with structured support, feedback and conversation.

Through an explorative approach within an innovative and focused environment, the residency facilitates self-directed inquiry, enabling participants to shape a unique experience that challenges and develops their artistic practice in new ways. The intermediate results are shown every three months in an open studio exhibition, where the participants works are presented to the public in a relaxed and festive atmosphere.

Parallel to the Residency Program and the OPEN STUDIO we organize both activities (such as field trips, workshops, seminars) with creative producers and exchange projects in collaboration with other institutions. To allow time for developing, expanding and reflecting their creative practice and conceptual position, artists can apply for a residency of three or six months. The applications are evaluated by a jury of artists and art-theoreticians from the Karlsruhe art community.

The building has 3 rooms with different sizes and conditions, one of which is a residential studio. Therefore the participants have a real opportunity to get to know one another and establish familiar relationships. An internal staircase leads to the first floor, including three bright and spacious rooms, a large common studio, social areas and sanitary facilities. Due to the brightness and size of the surface, the building is ideal for artists.

The residency takes place in the city of Karlsruhe, a contemplative yet multifaceted place offering internationally acclaimed art and science institutions (e.g. ZKM Center for Art and Media, Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, Städtische Galerie, Naturkundemuseum), a vital scene of creative producers, galleries and project spaces, and a close neighborhood to both metropolises and nature reserves in Germany, France and Switzerland.

The building/studio is located on a commercial property in the industrial area „Rheinhafen“ and is characterized in particular by its cargo port, river boats and industrial ambience. Despite this location the building is relatively calm, providing an atmosphere of concentration and balance. The proximity to the south tangent B10 as a feeder to the federal highways 5 and 65 is another feature of the good infrastructure. Regular public transport to the city center is only a few meters away.

Kim Hyunkyung
Park Kyoung Mug (exhibition 04.–17.08.19)
NAYEOLI (exhibition 25.08.–07.09.19)
Roni Feiten
Manshu-Rhan Park

For further information and application, please contact:


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